Why is it important to set GOALS?

Setting goals motivates a person to work towards achieving them thus, adding meaning to life. It also helps you to remain focused and instills a feverish urgency to want to do whatever it might  take to obtain that goal. Success is assured.

Why is it important to set goals all along the path of life ….? 

The answer remains with each one of us!

It’s what life is all about, setting goals motivates us to come alive and look to the future, it gives us a reason to overcome barriers that might obstruct our path in  LIFE.  It builds resilience !

Setting goals definitely makes our life more meaningful, widens our horizon and channels our focus. We are prompted to become forward-thinkers. This process can be referred to as growing and maturing mentally. 

All along the path of life, as we move forward towards achieving our goals we also come to realize that life can be really cruel at times. That life ain’t a bed of roses !!  Life can be a cruel teacher too. But if you are willing to overcome and remain focused on your goals then, nothing can deter you. As you emerge from your cocoon you awaken to the realization that you can succeed and then, all of a sudden you have grown responsible, you have matured. 

In the end, understanding what Life is all about  from a wider perspective,  people in general and above all, your potential is a major player in your role in LIFE and in reaching your goals.

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger from Pexels

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