Supernatural Journey of Perplexity.

There is a  sudden buzz about UFO’s, Alien Encounters and Abductions ! 

I’m sure you’re going to find this interesting. So, why not add my bit to the buzz !  Things that I have experienced over the years. These supernatural encounters that I’m sharing here are sure to wake up anyone to join me, as we journey together into the Unknown Realm ! 

Initially I would be confused and not give things a second thought and blame it on my imagination, that it was playing tricks. This article might even help you recall a past memory that is sure to pop up in your mind, just like that, as you read on.

At some time in life one might have experienced something similar, not thinking much of it. It could be because one is not sensitive to the forces on the other side. These forces or dark energies have been active throughout the ages but, the presence of such energies is becoming apparently obvious in the present day.

I am going to share some of my experiences that are merely ‘ a drop in the ocean’ but very significant all the same. 

I will start by relating some experiences when I was about ten years old through to the present day. All the following experiences undoubtedly are true. 

You might even be able to relate to some of them. They are not written in chronological order.

During this Phase, I was just about entering my teens when, one evening, I found myself home alone as my parents and siblings had gone for a party. Loving the space, stay at home and enjoying ‘metime’. Yes, having bathed my head, as I sat in front of the dresser mirror to set my hair, for some weird reason, I got the strangest feeling of a presence behind me. Unperturbed, I continued setting my hair. I didn’t think much of it, so I didn’t care to share it with anyone. But, was aware of the feeling. 

The next episode was equally interesting and experienced at the same location. We had no Air Conditioning for it was unheard of at the time. During the  summer months the family would sit outside in the cool of the evenings, entertaining friends or just merely enjoying family time together. Thirsty for a drink of water, I went into the house and found my way to the dining room. Poured some water into a glass and  as I was drinking my water I saw, as if it were, our cook, who at the time was on leave due to illness, walk towards me, it was a hazy impression, and lasted a split second then vanished.  Confused and not sure what to make of it and slightly shaken, I quickly gulped down the water and with quick steps went outside and joined the family, not mentioning a word about what had just occurred. Wondering about it at the same time !!! 

All these incidents I would keep to myself because I was confused and I began to think that maybe something was wrong with me. Brushing the thought aside, I decided to not give it a second thought. 

Nature has a special place in my heart. I remember how I would love running, arms flung wide open gently brushing the top of the tall grass. Over the years, from my experiences,  I have learned to be sensitive to the unspoken, to my dreams and most of all to my feelings, that has led to my understanding the sheer beauty of the true meaning of life.

This next Phase finds me now as a young, proud mother watching over my baby boy as I bathed my head, kind of multi-tasking to see that he would not tumble off the bed. No bolsters to be had at the time and there was an inexperienced Mom taking care of her baby boy. In the blink of an eye, he had reached the very edge of the bed, with my hair dripping wet I quickly rushed to save him from falling over. It was at that very moment and in a flash, I saw as if it were a hand faintly visible upto the wrist, covered in an off white-like robe, not even white like in white but a beautiful kind of pale white color, that shortly faded away within seconds of my drawing near. Now, that wasn’t funny ! I got a strange feeling, and felt that whatever it was, it was watching over my son. Like always, I never shared it with anyone.

This next one will blow your mind. It is not only crazy but, whenever I recall the incident I cannot help but give thanks to the Almighty for protecting my son and me.

At the time, I did not fully comprehend what had really happened but it would often come to mind. One thing I am now convinced about is the fact that the Lord is always watching over and protecting us. It was late evening one summer’s day, holding my son in my arms- he was about three years of age and I was making my way to the kitchen. Now, to get there I had to pass through the verandah which was dark at the time for the light was switched off  but, soon noticed that someone was in the kitchen as the light was on and shed a bit of light in my path to walk through. As I stepped nearer the kitchen door I felt something wriggle under my foot. Without moving I leaned across into the kitchen and putting my son down I gently nudged him and told him to go to his grandmother who was there. Now, I was not sure what it was, so I stepped back and quickly switched on the verandah light. There was this krait that seemed to be equally confused, now positioned up against the corner of the wall and actually looking at me and so was I in disbelief at what had just happened. After a while it slithered away. Was I worried ! I was left imagining whether all was well with both of us. More so because when I stepped back to switch on the light my eyes focused on it. I saw it leap towards my son who was out of reach. It took some time to get it out of my mind. 

I often recall this next incident that leaves me overwhelmed. We had just been blessed with a healthy, second baby boy. The delivery was complicated, hence, I spent many days in the maternity hospital. It was during this time, not sure whether in a dream or otherwise, I saw people with little wings flying slowly around above me in my dream. The place was very peaceful and there was no sound. A Peace that I felt even after waking up. I could only see their faces and one of them I distinctly recognized to be an uncle and he asked me (he did not really speak) but I knew what he said. He asked me what I was doing there. With that I woke up wondering about it and if my uncle was still alive. I was confused and not sure about what I had just experienced. Was I even more confused when later, I realized that he had gone to be with the Lord. Interestingly, by this time, my life seemed to be moving in a different direction, one I had never ever imagined.

Time went by and soon my life spiraled into chaos and there were many misunderstandings. A time when I felt an emptiness within me, a vacuum and seemed to be searching for something. Everything around me was moving downhill rapidly. Besides joining a Believer’s Group where I finally found some peace, the journey forward has definitely impacted my life.

This Phase was a mixture of many emotions. The good, the bad and the ugly. 

At the time that I had this experience it was late in the evening and I was standing outside the gate, under a tamarind tree. Yes, it was an ancient tamarind tree that extended even upto the gate leading to the home. As it was turning dark, I hurried out to call out to my younger son, who was out playing with his friends . The gate lamps were brightly shedding light to blot out the near darkness around. As I paused after calling out to him, suddenly I felt a heaviness on my head as if something was pushing me down. I seemed to stand my ground against whatever it was without any fear and remaining calm at the same time. It lasted a moment and I thought to myself, ‘What the Heck.’ That was weird and I sure knew it in my heart but, waited for my son and together we walked back into the house. 

This next experience is very significant for two reasons; one my younger son was to be confirmed shortly at the time and the other, in a dream I was prompted to burn and destroy a photograph that I literally saw in my dream !  With the assurance that on burning it he would be well after that. It had now been three days since he had a fever and I was worried. This is when I had the dream. At first, I didn’t pay much attention to it yet, at the same time wondering about it. It was one among the many photographs that we had taken standing in the front of Egyptian Mummies, when we had visited a museum some years earlier. The search for the photograph began and you can imagine what went through my mind when I came across ‘the one,’ the photograph that I had seen in my dream. As usual I kept this to myself, like, I was curious to know if my dream made any sense. Hence, I took the photograph and burned it along with some waste paper. All the time thinking to myself that if I share this with anyone they’d  probably think that I was losing it. The fact that my son recovered and the assurance that my dream did make sense after all, was a turning point in my life. Though still a little weak, he made it for his Confirmation and received a blessing. There was something about that dream and it wasn’t the last. 

My main objective for sharing these incidents is to create an awareness that the spirit realm does exist. We have the good spirits and the evil spirits amidst us. When we pray God sends His angels to minister to us, watch over us in various ways and most of all to protect us. I am very certain about this.

The airy presence around me since then has been dense. Having just become a Believer I was still learning how to overcome evil forces or energies with Prayer. We need to be sensitive to negative energies, for they can cause havoc in a person’s life in innumerable ways. I realized the importance of Prayer when I read (1 Peter 5:8) and (1Thessalonians 5:17-19).

As I vividly recall this next incident that actually caught me off guard. When cooking, a regular visit to the refrigerator is necessary because the green leafy Vegas needed are there, poultry etc. Taking what I needed and as I shut the fridge – I’m not really sure what happened but, in those few moments I saw an impish face looking back at me from above the fridge and it seemed to be making faces at me. At the same time the fridge seemed to be wiggling as if it had come alive. It was as if for a split second I was removed from reality ! I was aware and as calm as ever simply staring  right back, wondering what the Heck !  It never ever happened again while I was at this location. Though I had heard weird stories about this place, never had I  given it a second thought. But these experiences left me unperturbed, challenging me and me wanting answers to a lot of questions. Why ?

This next incident will blow your mind !  Early one morning, just about day break when I would normally  wake up to get ready for the day. When breakfast had to be prepared, tiffin for the boys to take to school. Like always there I was making myself a cup of tea and would  sip on it while reading my Bible. 

As I entered the kitchen I realized that there was no electricity and I was still half asleep. I went about preparing myself some tea in the faint light of the early morning when, suddenly something in the far corner of the room caught my attention, a rude awakening was it !! It was indeed !  Looking in that direction, the area was devoid of any light and it was dark. I very clearly saw a faint looking spooky image, that seemed to be afloat. For all the world, it looked like the spooky image in Scooby Doo. Thinking that my mind was playing games, unperturbed, I continued making my tea. When, suddenly it came round to where I was, it circled around me and vanished.  

Was I afraid ? No. But yes, it got me thinking. These experiences I have never shared with anyone until now and here. One thing I have definitely realized over the years is the importance of Prayer. 

Also, during this phase of my life I was fighting my way through a broken marriage, struggling with depression – not a nice place to be, financially unstable, with the care of my two sons whom I love dearly, my mental and emotional condition all shaken up, with no will to carry on. It was at this moment in my life that God sent an angel to help me and I found peace in becoming a Believer in Christ. Subsequently, over the years I have grown spiritually stronger and found much peace. 

Fighting the negative energies is a continuous battle that each one of us has to overcome daily. It can be difficult, but the only way to gain victory is by feeding the positive. Prayer, too, plays a vital role if you wish to live in peace. Harmony with nature is very necessary.

My only hope is that these experiences of mine that I have shared here (there are more to come) help enlighten someone somewhere, anywhere. That’s my only intention 🕊 

The next segment is a continuation of this chapter, then next and the next,… 🕊


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