Know Thyself.

The Importance of Knowing Thyself !

Growing up, I would often wonder: ‘Who am I ?’ ‘Why am I here ?’

What is this life ?  There had to be a reasonable explanation for those thoughts. Wasn’t there something much more to life, than merely eating, drinking and living and eventually fading away ?  Was it merely to be born, live, enjoy  life  and then eventually die – What a life !! 

Does this thought ever cross the minds of our children growing up today ? I wonder !! The world today is vastly complex, challenging and very competitive too.

To be able to circumspect these complexities of life it is imperative to look within and find out who we really are. We need to be able to honestly accept our habits, shortcomings, strengths etc. This introspection will help us not only build our character, but we will grow and have a broader outlook of life and become experts at navigating life itself. 

Once you understand who you are and acknowledge your many weaknesses as well as strengths, a fulfilling life ahead is assured. Has this thought ever crossed your mind ?  You can be sure that the result will give you a sense of true freedom !

Life is an onward journey that will unlock immense personal growth ! 

In the world today, everything is about technology. ‘Life is on a fast track’ and it can leave people drained, stressed and disillusioned most of the time ! This is the plight of the world that we live in today !  Knowing ‘who you are’ in the world today is ‘a must’ compared to the past generations ! The very reason why it is of utmost importance to have some ‘alone time’  to be able to look within, to get to know who you are; make it a point to spend time on your own:  no phone, no computer, no people, no TV, no nothing – just you !  Chilling alone somewhere, maybe take a long walk on the beach or read a book- this too can get you thinking when you come across something that might capture your imagination or get you thinking about it ! It can be inspirational and helpful. A nature walk can be refreshing and exhilarating all at once. Long drives on the highway, together with a bit of adventure, can be instrumental in bringing about a sense of realization.

People are so wrapped up with their daily chores, working long hours at their workplace. It’s a continuous ‘race against time’ to make it through the day. Knowing who you are, musters a sense of peace and calm in any crazy situation !

Why I say this is because you can see clearly what exactly will make you happy and you will naturally focus on it. It helps a person better adapt to the challenges in life, helping to navigate or cross over if required. You will be good at making decisions too. The result of introspection ! 

From my own experience, I can confidently say that it is the best thing that anyone can and should invest in. The results will definitely be fulfilling and you will realize that it pays to lead a disciplined life – thus, creating a sense of calm and peace within oneself. Know yourself, to know freedom !  Why would I say this ? It will guide you to seek the correct opportunities that  will make life better and more meaningful.