Could a dream, merely remain a dream ?

I really really feel the need to write about this dream that I dreamed last night. 

Waking up, I sat in bed, scratching my head and wondering about it – because it was so vivid ! 

Must write it down, I said to myself ! Maybe later if I could remember it.

Just received the third prompt since the morning. So here I am ! 

Let me start by sharing the background. Can’t say if it was after a function, a children’s party, a college or even just a street. It was turning dusk to dark.There was  mom and her daughter wearing plain crimson dresses, maybe something like satin – looking like a picture outta a Twentieth Century Magazine. They were of a darkish complexion with wavy hair. The little girl had short hair and sparkling eyes and looked very happy.

Now, for my dream 😴 how I wish that I could simply sketch it out ! 

It was a scene that seemed to exude warmth and the colors were vibrant. The focus of my dream was on the mom, her daughter and some much older students. 

The little girl was not more than five to six years old, smiling sweetly as her mom greeted her. Was she smiling at me ? I’m still wondering. And I was merely an ‘on-looker.’ 

Let’s continue:

In a split second, as the mom seated on her haunches with a happy smile on her face at seeing her daughter (not sure if she was dropping her off, there to pick her up or that they were there at a party ?) when all of a sudden, something made an impact and pierced through the center of the child’s chest. There wasn’t any sound except for a strange squishy impact. Shocked !!  Neither of them was able to understand what had happened ! Then within a moment of the impact the child slumped to the ground. At that I saw three, or four young people, (looking more like students)- emerge from the growing darkness and move away through an arch. When, one of them suffered the same fate.

Now in my dream; as I looked to my left I saw, all covered in a garb like one would see the men wear in the movie ‘Lawrence of Arabia.’ 

A sniper ! I thought to myself.

With that my dream ended.

From: my Dream Journal 🕊

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