Category: Uncategorized

  • What about Intuition …..!!

    What about Intuition …..!!

    Let’s Talk Intuition !! Our physical bodies have five senses: touch, smell, taste, sight, hearing. But not to be overlooked are the senses of our soul: intuition, peace, foresight, trust, empathy. The difference between people – is in the use of these senses; People generally don’t know about the inner senses while, some rely on…

  • Know Thyself.

    Know Thyself.

    The Importance of Knowing Thyself ! Growing up, I would often wonder: ‘Who am I ?’ ‘Why am I here ?’ What is this life ?  There had to be a reasonable explanation for those thoughts. Wasn’t there something much more to life, than merely eating, drinking and living and eventually fading away ?  Was…

  • Could a dream, merely remain a dream ?

    Could a dream, merely remain a dream ?

    I really really feel the need to write about this dream that I dreamed last night.  Waking up, I sat in bed, scratching my head and wondering about it – because it was so vivid !  Must write it down, I said to myself ! Maybe later if I could remember it. Just received the…

  • ~~~ thoughts while walking

    ~~~ thoughts while walking

    ‘ All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.’   How does walking help ?  Besides being a stress buster, it’s a great form of exercise in many ways ! Most important of all, it keeps the body machinery well oiled and working.  It is a complete body ‘Workout’ like swimming.   You could be…

  • A bunny day, only ?

    A bunny day, only ?

    A bunny day, only ?   they’re cute, these little bunnies we see them everywhere; only in quieter paths they’re bunnies, simply- cuddly little bunnies   The lovely landscape, the raw, Raw natural environment,   in all her tranquil beauty so green and lovely on and off the landscape seems to run all the way down;…

  • Thoughts on Beauty.

    Thoughts on Beauty.

    It’s all about Beauty ! What is beauty ?  I would say, that is the very essence of a person in their raw state ! One might say, ‘What do you mean?’  What I mean to say is that beauty is embedded in the soul of a person that manifests and is visible in a…

  • ….. lines written on A Cloudy Day.

    ….. lines written on A Cloudy Day.

    The weather is magical ! It’s breathtaking ! It’s been cloudy for the past three, maybe four days. Even the temperatures have dropped considerably. The kind of  weather is strange for this time of the year, though unnatural it’s very welcome. As I sit looking out my door soaking up every bit of the scene…

  • The Supernatural Journey ain’t never ending …….

    The Supernatural Journey ain’t never ending …….

    All of these experiences have made me aware and sensitive to things pertaining to the Supernatural. In this segment that is a continuation of the first is the ultimate.  I was introduced to a whole new world, so to speak. Fortune favored me with an opportunity to travel to the Middle East. That thought made…

  • Supernatural Journey of Perplexity.

    Supernatural Journey of Perplexity.

    There is a  sudden buzz about UFO’s, Alien Encounters and Abductions !  I’m sure you’re going to find this interesting. So, why not add my bit to the buzz !  Things that I have experienced over the years. These supernatural encounters that I’m sharing here are sure to wake up anyone to join me, as…

  • Water 


    REACHING OUT  have always wondered,why our Earth consists of more water and less landwe human beings are 60% water and cannot really survive without waterlikewise, every living thing on this planet.needs waterwhat if I said ? water is life.we need water to livewater also signifies spiritwe are first spirit beingsthus, feeding the spirit is of uttermost importanceEarth and…