Author: keminie

  • The Supernatural Journey ain’t never ending …….

    The Supernatural Journey ain’t never ending …….

    All of these experiences have made me aware and sensitive to things pertaining to the Supernatural. In this segment that is a continuation of the first is the ultimate.  I was introduced to a whole new world, so to speak. Fortune favored me with an opportunity to travel to the Middle East. That thought made…

  • Supernatural Journey of Perplexity.

    Supernatural Journey of Perplexity.

    There is a  sudden buzz about UFO’s, Alien Encounters and Abductions !  I’m sure you’re going to find this interesting. So, why not add my bit to the buzz !  Things that I have experienced over the years. These supernatural encounters that I’m sharing here are sure to wake up anyone to join me, as…

  • Water 


    REACHING OUT  have always wondered,why our Earth consists of more water and less landwe human beings are 60% water and cannot really survive without waterlikewise, every living thing on this planet.needs waterwhat if I said ? water is life.we need water to livewater also signifies spiritwe are first spirit beingsthus, feeding the spirit is of uttermost importanceEarth and…

  • who am I ?

    who am I ?

    WHY, AM I HERE ? we generally talk about beauty: how to look beautiful how we should love ourselves and maintain good health by eating healthy and working out innumerable articles can be had about the above in various forms to lure us what we should do to be happy we’re always, looking forward to…

  • How to keep Healthy and Fit at 60+

    How to keep Healthy and Fit at 60+

    From: The Diary of a Retired Teacher. HOW TO KEEP HEALTHY AND FIT AT 60+ It’s all about the lifestyle you lead. When I was still employed, I made it a habit to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night. Of course, there would be times when this wasn’t possible for various reasons…

  • Time.


    In the light of the Day When all is bright and gay As we sit and gaze at Time…… Time as she passes along the narrow road The road down which I was ……. Without doubt, forced to traverse Yeah, it is a rather familiar line- Down memory lane. A path which has caused nothing …

  • It was a Rainy Day.

    It was a Rainy Day.

    A Rainy Day in the month of October, Surprisingly – I love such days The drops falling pitter patter All round so-o green and fresh  The bugla’s pecking at insects in the grass. The birds are chirping in the trees; The swings outside untouched The overall effect is one of dullness But, I love the…

  • Why is it important to set GOALS?

    Why is it important to set GOALS?

    Setting goals motivates a person to work towards achieving them thus, adding meaning to life. It also helps you to remain focused and instills a feverish urgency to want to do whatever it might  take to obtain that goal. Success is assured. Why is it important to set goals all along the path of life…

  • Homeschooling vs Traditional Schooling

    Homeschooling vs Traditional Schooling

    ‘When one teaches, two learn.’ Robert Heinlein. True education is a journey from converting the human being into being humane. It is useless if it does not make you a good human being. ‘ The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal…

  • Addiction


    The difference between not being addicted and being addicted; is the difference between seeing the world as your arena and seeing the world as your prison. My focus is on being addicted !  Is it good ? Is it bad? Addiction is an adaptation. It’s not you – it’s the cage you live in the…