
The difference between not being addicted and being addicted; is the difference between seeing the world as your arena and seeing the world as your prison.

My focus is on being addicted !  Is it good ? Is it bad?

Addiction is an adaptation.

It’s not you – it’s the cage you live in the words of Johann Hari.

In a sense let’s say, you become addicted to something or someone.

You cannot do without it or them. It has become an obsession and your waking and sleeping, your life revolves around it.

It is a disease of the soul, a bizarre form of unintended idolatry, where God is replaced by the bottle, the drug, the person, the work, the cash, the religion, food – too much or too little- and sex.  

In the words of Clare Catford from  “ The Road to Rehab,” Third Way, Summer 2008.

What can a person do to avoid getting addicted ?

Be in control of You at all times; it shouldn’t be the other way round. If you have a strong will power you can overcome any kind of addiction. Be vigilant when you find that  something is beginning to become the center of your focus. Especially when you  feel that you cannot do without it, as mentioned above. This is when you need to be in control. Do not give in to your whims and fancies. It’s a battle of mind over matter. Do not allow matter to control your feelings, thoughts, decisions etc. you must be in control, it’s the only way to beat an addiction.

According to my belief it is a disease of the soul, it is spiritual in nature. Anything that has a spiritual basis needs to be overcome spiritually.

The saying ‘ diamond cut diamond ‘ comes to mind. Yes, only a diamond can cut a diamond in the literal sense.

I would like to close with a word of advice: if you have any kind of addiction ‘prayer is the only way out.’

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

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