It was a Rainy Day.

A Rainy Day in the month of October,

Surprisingly – I love such days

The drops falling pitter patter

All round so-o green and fresh 

The bugla’s pecking at insects in the grass.

The birds are chirping in the trees;

The swings outside untouched

The overall effect is one of dullness

But, I love the Rainy Days all the same.

There is a certain cooling – the season is undergoing a change

I love it –  the neem trees dancing in the breeze

With droplets falling gently to the ground..

God’s creation is truly to be admired-

One can’t but admire it and –

Draw the calm and peace and

Enjoy the beauty.

Which He has created for us –

Mankind –

The last to appreciate and enjoy true beauty –

Coz of pride and envy

Rooted in the entrails of the mind and being.

Ever harboring hate and deceit for each other –

Never appreciating – never appreciating.

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