It’s all about Beauty !
What is beauty ?
I would say, that is the very essence of a person in their raw state !
One might say, ‘What do you mean?’
What I mean to say is that beauty is embedded in the soul of a person that manifests and is visible in a person’s physical appearance. It’s true to nature as well, don’t forget that we coexist with nature. We are awe struck by the beautiful sunset while enjoying a quiet evening walk at the beach. Maybe, the sound of the birds twittering and singing their joyful song. Close to nature and drunk with its beauty gives people a much needed sense of immense peace away from the hustle and bustle and the madness of city life. This is one aspect of beauty.
The other is the literal physical or outer appearance of me or you that people know and recognize. There is a very famous saying, ‘ Beauty is only skin deep!’
This maxim was first stated by one Sir Thomas Overbury in his poem, ‘ A Wife.’
If you have read the poem then you understand that the proverb is referring to the fact that a person’s character is more important than his / her appearance.
We believe that the Almighty has made everyone and everything beautiful. From the physical point of view some people might have a beautiful appearance, eyes, lovely hair, dress well, be it richly or simply. But you will realize looking closely that everyone and everything we see around us in our world is beautiful and in its own way.
I’d like to add the soul or spiritual aspect too, you will bump into people that go out of their way to help others come what may, others that are simple and kind hearted, good natured, overly friendly and we could go on. This is what beauty is all about. You take your pick !
It’s not about color, creed, culture, nationality etc. because everyone and everything is beautiful and in its own way.
Consider the animal world, the different species of birds, all of those insects and nature; the trees that provide shade on a hot day or shelter from the rain. The variety of plants, those colorful beautiful flowers with their fragrance that are a joy to behold ! Nature’s glory is sure to inspire anyone that wishes to flex their artistic skills. Not forgetting the excitement and enjoyable picnics at the beach that gives families and relatives time out with loved ones that helps in bonding relationships. Safaris when we get to experience animals in their natural habitat. These pleasurable experiences and adventures help us relate to nature in different ways.
Beauty is commonly described as a feather that makes objects pleasurable to perceive; such as landscapes, people and works of art.
Natural beauty is true beauty. Beauty is not about the face or good features.
It’s about personality or certain qualities of an individual that are pleasing.
It is feeling good about oneself, whether it is because of makeup, nice clothes or exercising. It is also about having confidence. At the end of the day, it’s all in the mind, the thought process – it’s not only about the body. A person’s personality shows just how beautiful they are. Everyone is beautiful in their own way.
Beauty is all about self worth, self belief and positivity, a smile or more importantly one’s behavior.
In closing I’d like to add: That the Almighty placed beauty in everything and everyone. The World we live in is beautiful. A person that is always happy is beautiful and will ultimately make others happy. A beautiful person will always find everything beautiful.
Each of us beautiful people compliment each other.